Countries in The Algerian Dialect
In this vocabulary lesson, you will learn how to say the names of countries in the Algerian dialect. Most European countries and some Asian countries are pronounced in the French way while others have the “Algerian touch” added to the French pronunciation. Concerning the Arab countries, they are all pronounced the same way as Fu’sha. Here are some of the most common countries written in Algerian.
لْماريكانْ (USA)
فْرانْسا (France)
لالْمانْ (Germany)
ليسپانْ (Spain)
طِلْيانْ (Italy)
لونڤْلوتير (USA)
لاشين (USA)
جاپو (USA)
الرّوس / روسيْا (USA)
لوسْتْرالي (USA)
أنا مِنْ لْبَلْجيكْ / I’m from Belgium.
انْتَ من الْعِراقْ / You are from Iraq.