How to Talk to the Greengrocer in Algerian Arabic

In this conversation lesson, you will learn (as a beginner) how to communicate with a greengrocer in Algerian Arabic. The lesson starts with a conversation example, followed by some common words and expressions related to buying fruits and vegetables, such as asking about the price and the quantity of products. At the end, you will practice talking to a greengrocer. 

*** Conversation Example ***

*** Useful Words and Expressions ***


"essalamou 3alikom" is the most used expression for greeting especially with sellers. You can use “Sba7 elkhir, meselkhir” (good morning/afternoon/evening) instead. However, "essalamou 3alikom" is definitely the most used one.

Polite Nicknames

The word "uncle/ 3ammi" is just a nickname to call the seller by. You can use "brother/khouya" instead or if the seller is an elderly person, you can call him "el7aj" (assuming that he did or will do the pilgrimage). Or you can skip using a nickname altogether. It's completely fine.

Useful Verbs (for beginners)

Give me = /a3ti:ni:/ = أعطيني

I also want/give me also = /zi:dn:/ = زيدني

Take (here is) = /ha:k/ = هاك

Take please (here is) = /etfaddal/ = اتفضل

More Useful Words

half a kilo = /r’tal/ = رطل

one kilo = /kilou/ = كيلو

two kilos = /zouj kilou/ = زوج كيلو

a bunch = /rabta/ = ربطة

bunches = /rabta:t/ = ربطات

how much = /ch’7a:l/ = شحال

money change = /essarf/ = الصّرف

Thank you = /ya3ti:k essa7a/ = يعطيك الصحة

Thank you = /sa77a:/ = صحّا

Good bye = /bisla:ma/ = بالسلامة

*** Conversation Practice ***

Check the video below at timemark to perform the role play activity with a greengrocer.

Thanks for reading!


How to Talk to a Taxi Driver in Algerian Arabic


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